I was tagged by Penguins Quack and I need to write down where I think I will be in 10 years, but before that I need to give you all a bit of background information:
- 2012- The world comes to an end when Michael Atkinson is voted in as Prime Minister of Australia. Despite outrage from a large population his lies and propaganda convince the elderly and unenlightened into voting for him to "Protect the Children"
2017- Vast changes to the constitution have left Australia an authoritarian police state, with all forms a sex and violence censored from the media and other forms of entertainment.
- 2018- All games (electronic and physical) and television shows are banned for endorsing violence except Jenga, which is now our national sport.
- 2020- Penguins made out Australia to be some sort of magical world, while in reality that was just some crazy pipe dream of hers for taking too much whiz fizz (which is banned for being a dangerous drug). In reality it is a dark and gloomy totalitarian country which makes Big Brother look like a wussy four year old girl.
Now to me, in ten years time.
- By day I work as an accountant for a law firm, but by night I distribute illegal copies of Donkey Kong to teenagers.
- After three years of intensive research and trial and error I access the (now thought to be mythical) Internet. My mind explodes with the wonders I see. From online forums I learn about an underground organisation trying to bring back freedom to Australia.
- I get approached by a mysterious stranger via email. He asks me if I want to join the Resistance, which of course I do. To prove myself not to be a government spy I first must complete Half Life Episode Three (which was only just released in the U.S.A) on Expert and then play CS 1.6 for 48 hours straight.
- I get allowed entry into the Resistance and together we do numerous raids on the Government (for example, faxing 99 black sheets of paper to them.)
- In other parts of the world my sister is getting married to a rich Magistrate, I am allowed a visa to attend the wedding.
- While overseas I learn that the world is a utopian place, besides Australia. (Yes, even North Korea is beating us). I meet up with other, foreign members of the Resistance and concoct a diabolical plan based on a comic I read.
- Funding my plans by producing whizz fizz I am able to unblock the old train tunnels underneath parliament house (All underground rail systems had been blocked as a train entering a tunnel was thought to be far to suggestive.)
- I load a train full of fireworks and send it on its way, to blow up parliament house!
- Unfortunately, the Government intercept the train and arrest me. After an extremely quick trial preceded by the Honourable and Immortal Chief Justice Extreme Leader for Life Michael Atkinson Himself I am to be punished as humanely and non-violently as possible.
- 5th of November- My public hanging is under way. At the bottom of the drop where my neck is cleanly broken government house (which is situated conveniently behind me) explodes into a massive shower of dust. The people rise up against their oppressive government and create the perfect society. It is all very cinematic.
- For those of you wondering, due to overpopulation the Facebook group for "6 000 000 000 000 000 to rebuild the death star" was successful in its goal and the resistance pulled a few strings to use its destructive forces for good.
- So all in all I suppose 2020 will be a good year (except my death) with freedom being restored to poor old Australia.
2020 WAS a good year, wasn't it, O'Malley?
ReplyDeleteP.S. This was AWESOME!
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