I was tagged by Penguins Quack to make a list of seven things I believe shouldn't exist. Easy, I thought and quickly jotted out my answers:
- Sloth
- Greed
- Gluttony
- Wrath
- Lust
- Envy
- Pride
But then I thought, these things aren't going anywhere, there's nothing I can do about them, and it wasn't a very personal answer on my behalf. So I formulated a new list, behold:
1. Zombies On Fire
In games and movies it's all well and fine, but when it comes to real life... Zombies on Fire, they are just too damned scary.
2. Sparkling Vampires
I know that there is too much hate on Twilight, but sparkling vampires? Really? Dracula would be rolling in his grave if he wasn't tracking Stephanie Meyers down.
3. This Burger
It has lettuce, tomato, onion, seven pieces of meat and three pickles. THREE! No-one even likes to have one on their burger.
4. YouTube
Not necessarily the website itself, just the videos on it. They are just... just bad. I can't even put it into words properly.
5. Threads on the Internet About Things that Shouldn't Exist
No picture. I'll spare you this time.
6. Rule 34
Don't Google it, whatever you do.
7. The Internet
"But O'Malley, the Internet is a wondrous, innovative communication technology. Never before have you been able to transport mass amounts of data ANY where at ANY time." That's what you think, but the following chart (Provided to you by Science!) says otherwise.
Just a quick note:
ReplyDeleteI don't understand y u cant google rule 34? Safari's UI bugs allow me to see through the 'censored' portion slightly, enough to see what is under Rule 34 (for yours and everyone's safety, I will not mention it). What's so bad about it?
I'm guessing you didn't google image it with Safe search off. Don't. That picture is only one of an infinite collection.
ReplyDeleteIf you're a glutton for punishment, but want to play it safe I suggest going to this site here: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/rule-34